Tuesday 14 December 2010


Original recipe created by Joseph & Mihail Romero Baseyevski for the Buddha Hostel Medellin, and dedicated specially to our wonderful guests, Rachel & Yosuke.

Recipe: Spicy Beets Soup
A delicious, colorful soup made with beets and veggies to be served hot.

Yield 4 servings
Time 1 hour 15 minutes
  • large saucepan or Dutch oven
  • wooden spoon
  • blender or food processor
  • small saucepan
  • ¼ c olive oil
  • 3 table spoons of butter.
  • 1 big beet, diced and chopped
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 large bell pepper (any color*), seeded and diced
  • 1 medium potato
  • ½-1 t salt
  • 1 t red pepper flakes
  • 1½-2 c vegetable stock
  • 2 table spoon of pannang (Mae ploy) curry paste.
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • 1 table sppon of mustard.
Heat the olive oil in the large saucepan with the butter. Add the onion and sauté for 3-4 minutes.
Add remaining ingredients except the stock and the curry paste and bring to a simmer.
Cover, reduce heat, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the beets, potatoes etc are tender, about 45 minutes or 1 hour.
Pour half of the soup into the blender and purée, followed by the other half. Meanwhile, put the stock in the small saucepan and bring to a simmer.
Optional: if you want a smoother soup, you can sieve it at this point.
Return the soup to the saucepan, stir in the stock (use more for a thinner soup), taste, and season. Blend ina ball with stock the curry paste and the mustard put it into the saucepan with all the rest of the soup and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Serve hot  , with any of these toppings:
  • crème fraîche
  • sour cream
  • plain yogurt
  • chives
  • dill
  • scallions


Roasted Red Bell Pepper Soup With Minted Creme Fraiche

Makes 4 appetizer servings

Minted Crème Fraîche:

  • 1/4cup crème fraîche
  • 11/2 tablespoons thinly sliced fresh mint leaves, plus nice sprigs for garnish
  • 1/4 teaspoon granulated sugar

  • 5 large red bell peppers
  • 21/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling
  • 1 cup chopped red onion
  • Kosher salt or similar
  • 1 tablespoon of panela or firmly packed brown sugar
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 3 cups water
  • Finely ground black pepper

To make Minted Crème Fraîche: In a small bowl stir together the crème fraîche, sliced mint and sugar. Cover and refrigerate overnight to let the mint flavor the crème. Strain out the mint; keep crème cold until ready to use.

To make soup: Roast the red peppers over a hot grill or under a broiler on a foil-lined pan about 5 to 6 inches from the heat source. With either method, turn them often until the skin is charred on all sides. Put the charred peppers in a large bowl, cover tightly with plastic wrap and let sit until cool enough to handle. Pull out the cores and pull off the charred skins; reserve any juices. Pull the peppers into pieces and scrape out the seeds. Do not rinse the peppers or you’ll wash away flavorful juices.

In a Dutch oven or large saucepan, heat the oil over medium, add the onion and a pinch of salt, and cook, stirring frequently, until the onions are very soft and fragrant but not browned, 3 to 5 minutes. Increase the heat to medium-high, add the roasted peppers and the juices, the brown sugar and the white wine and simmer until the wine has cooked down to a glaze, 8 to 10 minutes.

Add the 3 cups water (it should just barely cover the peppers; if not, add a bit more) and simmer until they’re completely tender, 5 to 7 minutes. Purée the soup in a blender and pass it through a medium strainer to get out any stray seeds or lumps. Taste and season well with salt and black pepper.

Serve soup warm or chilled. To serve, ladle the soup into shallow bowls, drizzle on some Minted Crème Fraîche and some olive oil. Decorate with a mint sprig.

Bell Pepper Soup


Recipe: Bell Pepper Soup
A delicious, colorful soup made with sweet peppers that can be served hot or cold.
Yield 4 servings
Time 1½ hours
  • large saucepan or Dutch oven
  • wooden spoon
  • blender or food processor
  • small saucepan
  • ¼ c olive oil
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 4 large bell peppers (any color*), seeded and diced
  • 1 medium potato
  • ½-1 t salt
  • 1 t red pepper flakes
  • 1½-2 c vegetable stock
Directions Heat the olive oil in the large saucepan. Add the onion and sauté for 3-4 minutes. Add remaining ingredients except the stock and bring to a simmer.
Cover, reduce heat, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the peppers are tender, about 1 hour.
Pour half of the soup into the blender and purée, followed by the other half. Meanwhile, put the stock in the small saucepan and bring to a simmer.
Optional: if you want a smoother soup, you can sieve it at this point.
Return the soup to the saucepan, stir in the stock (use more for a thinner soup), taste, and season.
Serve hot or cold, with any of these toppings:
  • crème fraîche
  • sour cream
  • plain yogurt
  • chives
  • scallions
  • Coriander
Notes *Green peppers are acceptable, but red, orange, or yellow peppers will make the nicest soup.

Thursday 25 November 2010



- Aceite
- Mantequilla
- Cebolla cortada brunoisse
- Piel rallada de 1 limón
- 1 rama de canela
- Sal y pimienta 5 bayas
- Arroz basmati o jazmín lavado y escurrido, 1 medida
- Leche de coco fresco, 2 medidas

Para obtener la leche de coco fresco, partir 1 coco y separar la pulpa de la corteza.
Cortar ésta a trocitos y añadir el agua que pudiera tener el coco en su interior. Batirlo con un poco más de agua (si fuera necesario) y pasarlo a través de un paño retorciéndolo para exprimir el jugo al máximo.
Medir el líquido obtenido, si no se tuvieses dos medidas volver a poner agua en la pulpa del coco y batir nuevamente, colando como anteriormente.
En una sartén de fondo ancho poner el aceite junto con la mantequilla, la piel de limón y la rama de canela, añadir la cebolla, salpimentar y dejarla concentrar hasta que esté dorada.
Agregar el arroz, sofreírlo junto con la cebolla, mojar con la leche de coco, rectificar la salazón y tapar herméticamente con papel de aluminio.
Llevar al horno precalentado por espacio de 15 unos 15 minutos a 180º-200ºC.
Transcurrido ese tiempo verificar la cocción del arroz y retirar la paellera del horno.
Servir en una bolsa cerrada confeccionada con hojas de banana o papel de horno.

Se puede acompañar con unas galletas hechas con la pulpa del coco mezclada con clara de huevo, avena en hojuelas, salpimentada y especiada a gusto.

Para cocer éstas galletas, extender en una placa de horno, forrada con papel, cucharadas de la mezcla, alisándolas con el dorso de una cuchara y llevándolas al horno por corto espacio de tiempo, el justo para que se doren.

Otras maneras de obtener leche de coco:
- A partir de leche de coco envasada
- A partir de crema instantánea de coco a la que se añade agua
- Hidratando coco seco rallado. Esta es la de inferior calidad.

Si le gusta la version mas oscura, añada una cucharada de panela o azucar moreno al sofrito de cebolla, las señoras mayores en Colombia, para oscurecer su arroz utilizan unas cucharadas de coca-cola, pero yo no soy partidario.

Monday 8 November 2010

Stuffed Organic tomato with Raspberries sauce

Signature dish by Chef Joseph S. Romero Baseyevski

Republika d Artistas Gastronomical Circus

Ingredientes. Para seis personas
6 Tomates maduros
6  porciones de queso cuajada
Cilantro una pizca.
½ Taza de aceite de oliv o vegetal
½ pocillo  litro Agua filtrada.
½ litro jugo de moras colado.
15 gr.  of agar agar o maicena.
Fresh rosemary
Fesh Thyme

 Sarten antiadherente. Cacerola para la salsa. Licuadora o mixer.

Pelar los tomates y cortar el fondo de los mismos plano, con el fin de que se sostengan de pie. Cortarlos por la mitad . Poner el aceite a calentar en una sarten y saltear un poco los tomates con la sal la pimient, el romero y el tomillo. Cuando empiezan a cambiar de color, colocar los cubos de queso en las bases, y tapar con la otra parte del tomate. Mantener caliente.
Diluir el agar agar o la maicena con el agua. Poner el jugo de moras a calentr y cuando arranque a ehrvir, añadir el agua con el espesante. Cocer a fuego muy lento durante dos minutos hasta que espese.

Emplatar cada tomate en el centro de un plato y cubrir con abundante salsa de moras. Esparcer cilantro bien picado. Servir de inmediato

Ingredients.  Serving 6 px.
6  Red soft tomatoes
6 cubes feta or bufala mozzarella cheese
Black pepper
A bit of coriander.
½  tea cup of olive oil.
½ tea cup of mineral still water.
½ liter of drained raspberries juice.
15 gr. Of agar agar or corn flour.
Romero fresco
Romillo fresco

Tools.  Pan, pot. Mixer, blender
Peel off the tomatoes, cutting the bottoms straightly in order to be able to put them flat with the cab upwards. Then cut them into 2 pieces putting the bottoms and the tops aside. Put the oil in a pan and sautee all the tomatoes, salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme. When they star changing their colour, place a cube of cheese on each bottom for one minute, then cover each tomato with theit tops. In the meantime blend the agar agar or corn flour with the water. Put the raspberries juice in a pot and bring it to boil, then add the water with the thickener and cook for 2 minutes stirig contineously. When it thickens, remove it from the burners.

Set each tomato in a different plate, center it and cover them with plenty of raspberries suce. Spread some chopped coriander all over the plate and serve it.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Stuffed Yellow potato with “ahogao”
Signature dish by Chef Joseph S. Romero Baseyevski

Ingredientes. Para seis personas
10 Papas criollas  medianas-grandes.
2 cebollas cabezons grandes
1 pimenton rojo mediano
2 dientes de ajo
Sal, Cilantro.
Pimienta, Romero, Oregano
½ pocillo aceite de oliva
½ pocillo crema de leche
¾ de litro de jugo de mora o de mandarina.
Lave bien las papas bajo agua de la llave corriente.
Ponga el aceite de oliva a calentar en una cazuela y dore las papas, añada agua, hasta algo mas de la mitad de las papas sin llegarlas  a cubrir, salpimente, y añada el romero el oregano y algo de cilantro. Tape la cazuela y cueza durante 15 minutos. Cuando esten listas, retirelas del agua de coccion, reservando esta, y enfrie las papas con agua, no debe lavarlas sino simplemente entibiarls par que no sigan cociendo. Reservelas tibias.
Corte la cebolla y el pimentos en cubitos peueños, brunoise, lamine los dientes de ajo, y sofria todo junto, hsta que la cebolla este transparente y algo morenita. Tenga cuidado en que no se le queme o ahume. Salpimente al gusto y añada cilantro en el ultimo momento. Reserve caliente.

Para la Salsa.:
Elija ls 6 papas que esten mas enteras y mas hermosas, y con el resto pongalas en la liquiadora con el jugo de haberlas cocido. Licue bien, y lleve el resultado a una cazuela salsera a fuego lento, cuando empiece a hervir, añada la crema de leche, y bata continuamente, llevelo de nuevo a ebullicion y reduzca por 3 minutos.

Con las papa tibias, corte un extremo para poder situarlas planas en el centro del plato, y luego cortelas por la mitad. Añada el guiso de cebolla, pimiento etc. En la base de la papa y cubra con la otra parte. Cubra toda la papa con la salsa, espolvoree con cilantro fresco, y sirva caliente.


Gazpacho Tropical Receta*
Tropical Gazpacho (Spain famous cold tomato chowder)
Idea original by Chef Joseph S. Romero Baseyevski

Ingredientes. Para seis personas
3 Tomates maduros con piel
1 pimenton rojo pequeno
1 cebolla cabezona mediana
2 dientes de ajo
1 poco de pepino cohombro
¼ de Papaya no muy grande
1 rebanada de pan seco
½ pocillo de jugo de limon
Cilantro una pizca.
½ Taza de aceite de oliv o vegetal
4 cubos de hielo.
½ litro Agua filtrada.
1 pocillo de agua de coco
½ pocillo de crema de leche, o suero.

Utensilos. Licuadora o mixer
Lavar bien todos los componentes, trocearlos y ponerlos en el vaso licuador, dejando los liquidos, como el jugo de limon, el aceite y el agua en ultimo lugar. Licuar bien hasta que quede una crema muy suave. Corregir de sal y si esta muy espeso anadir un poco mas de agua, volver a licuar y poner en el congelador. Debe servirse muy frio, pero no helado. Para evitar la cristalizaciones es conveniente  licuar de nuevo antes de servir.

Servir en plato o bol  de sopa, adornar con un circulo de aceite y otro de crema en la superficie del plato y con una ramita de cilantro. *Receta Vegetariana. Para no vegetarianos se puede servir con trocitos de bacon o jamon.

Ingredients.  Serving 6 px.
3  Red soft tomatoes with their skin
1  small red pepper.
1 middle size onion
2 garlic cloves
1 tea cup of cucumber
2 tea cups  of papaya.
1 slice of dry bread.
½  teac cup of lemon juice.
Black pepper
A bit of coriender.
½  tea cup of olive oil.
4 ice cubes
½ litro filtered still mineral water.
1 tea cup of Coconut water.
½  tea cup of cream or sour cream

Tools.  Mixer, blender
Rinse well all the veggies, chop them in cubes and put them into the food mixer. Then add all the liquids such as the lemon , the olive oil, the sour cream and water. Mixe them all  till you get a very fine chowder. Try the salt and pepper and rectify it if necessary, if it is too thick add a bit more of water and blend it again. Put it into the freezeer for 20 minutes and then into the fridge, it has to be very cold but not frozen. Blend it again right before serving it to avoid crystalization.
Serve it in a soup boll. Adorn the surface wit a circle of olive oil and another with sour cream. Put a bit of cilander in the middle of the circles. . *Vegan recipe, for non vegan you can serve it with bacon or ham cubes.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Vegan Cabbage rolls

Ingredients for 6 people:

1 white cabbage of aprox. 1,5 Kg
3 white onnion big
4 garlic cloves
2 red tomatoes big
1 red pepper big
2 table spoon of white flour
250 ml of milk
10 cl of brandy or rum
4 table spoons of soya or vegetal oil.
soya sauce


Take 6 leaves of the white cabbage of to be used as the folder of each roll.

Put a pot with enough water to place the cabbage leaves to a boil with water and salt. When the water starts boiling soak the leaves on it for 4 minutes, remove and keep them dry.

Cut in small brunoised pieces all the vegetables, inclusive of garlic etc. Put the oil into a pan and when it is hot sauté all those components until there are cooked to your taste. Vegetables should be kept crunchy. Be careful and keep stirring all the components to avoid overheating and burnt. When almost ready put the flour and keep stirring until it gets melted and start brownising, then add the milk, removing continuously. Add the salt and pepper to your taste as well as a dash of cinnamon, then the brandy, stirring all the time until all it thickens. Keep it with low heat for 3 minutes, remove and let it cool down a bit.

Place the resulting paste into the leaves and fold them.

To serve, put some milk into a pan and heat it. Place the rolls into the milk until they are heated and a good temperature to serve.

Place one roll in the center of each plate and top it with a bit of good quality creamy soya sauce.

Friday 11 June 2010

June 11th Menu and the crew

Silvia (CH) and Hans (BL)

Hans (BL) Benjamin (AU) Theo (South Korea)